lundi 28 février 2011

A bright new future..



Restoring The Balance Of Financial Equality
We are helping people from all over the world become more financially stable by giving them an additional means to support their family and friends. This is an amazing task and we need your help.

We are looking for dedicated individuals from all walks of life who are willing to accept this cause and help others. You will enjoy the amazing benefits of working with Andrea Lucas, former Director of the World Bank and you will earn an income as described on this site. Please study this information carefully; it may help you design a strategy that could change the lives of your family as well as many others.
Club-Asteria calculates 30% of the earnings that comes into the company from the previous week and distributes it on the following week's commission run. Therefore, there is never an exact percentage or a guarantee thereof.
Club Asteria earns from each member's participation in the Club through the usage and purchases of products and services. Earnings can only be distributed to members if they are first earned. Please support Your Club and benefit from your support!
We have two objectives: We help you become financially secure and teach you to help others become financially free. If you do the absolute minimum, your $20 membership fee, based on 10%, is paid for by the system by the 5th month. This rate varies according to the weekly distribution which may go up or down according to the company's revenue (see above).
Our desire is to have One Million people benefiting from our club within 5 years and for you to become financially secrure within 2 years. This will automatically happen as your spirit of generosity spreads throughout the world and you follow our plan.

Sponsors Benefits:
Furthermore, if you elect to become a Network Director, you will receive Leadership Commissions on all the new cash that enters the system from anywhere in your entire global organization.

Network Director:
ND Commissons are paid monthly into your Cash Balance and you can request a credit card from us.This is not for beginners and we suggest that you wait till you are fully familiar with this business.
This page is simply a brief overview of what you can achieve with Club-Asteria. Please be sure to view the main site or leave your details to the right and we will send you a more complete description of what you receive.
Become now a member!

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